Friday, October 3, 2008

Ultrasound Picture of Titus

We are posting the 3D rendering image of little baby Titus. These are not always the easiest images to make out but you can see the tip of his nose is below where it should be (it is the ball that appears to be attached to the upper lip), and his upper lip is kind of an island in the middle. You can also easily visualize the cleft line coming down the right side of his nose (it kind of looks like a nostril). You can also see his left arm and hand which is covering his left eye. Though the hand may look awkward, it is normal, as are all of his limbs heart and other organs (at least at this point). Titus will likely have the widest smile of any baby you have ever seen!


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for you. Congratulations on your pregnancy and baby Titus. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me." He will Take care of your baby and your family> Love, Lisa VandeLune

Anonymous said...

"The task ahead of you is never as great as the POWER behind you."

Thank you first of all for sending me this...I am going to follow baby Titus's (by the way...LOVE his name)story. I will assure you both from this moment on, that I will dilegently be praying for you and your family. You are a strong woman and a strong man and God will see you threw these difficult and JOYOUS days ahead. Hope you feel the LOVE from Iowa!!!

jeff, monica, blythe and eve said...

we love baby titus from good ol' texas. you know i can't get you off my heart....

tlee143 said...

i love you all very much!!! i will be praying for you and know that you all are in my thoughts often. Titus has such a wonderful family to grow up with! give the kids a hag and kiss from their aunt

Anonymous said...

Kaka Jeremy and Abi: Jessica and I pray for you and the family. We pray for baby Titus. Your good hearts and selfless love you have shown to many people..and above all-your humble service to God's call will always bring joy to you and your family. God will never forsake you! We love you all!
.../Smart and Jessica, Bukoba, Tanzania

Anonymous said...

Abi and family...
my heart is ever-conscious of your souls these days. Thank you for sharing your journey in this risky, vulnerable and authentic way. Much love and prayers to each of you...and especially, sweet baby boy Titus.
Jenni Shaffer and family

Anonymous said...

Beloved kids; How beautiful to see our little Titus already. But we only "see through an ultasound darkly" and we are filled with anticipation at what manifestations of grace and courage and glory will be ahead. We love you, we are proud of you and we yearn to meet and hold our newest little grandson. Love,
Mom and Dad (Butch and Marian)

Anonymous said...

We send you much love and many prayers from Cherokee. God has chosen a very special family for a very special baby. May God richly bless you as you step forward in this new journey of faith and dependance on Him.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy and family, I am thinking of you and your family. We, the Mabrys are all praying for little baby Titus. Jeremy and Abi I know are strong parents. I was touched by your story. Jeremy your Mom shared this with me. I am blessed. It will mean many more prayers to help you thru this journey. God bless, Mary Mabry