Friday, October 17, 2008

This Just In!

In case you have just joined us; God is good, all the time! We have received our third, and final, chromosomal test and the results were normal. This is the test where they match up all 23 chromosomal pairs (see picture) to check for abnormalities. Titus's all matched up like they should! Now this doesn't guarantee that there are no problems, but the results are still very comforting nonetheless. They also performed another test (I think it was for a neural tube defect) and it was also normal.

The lines have truly fallen to us in pleasant places (Ps 16:6) and we are excited as ever to meet baby Titus. He completely feels like one of the family! We probably won't write again until after our appointments in mid-November, but please keep praying.

In His Grip!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Genetics Test Results and Appointments

The second of three Chromosomal tests came back today and it was normal! Praise God! We are feeling good about the possibilities that Titus's issue is mainly physical, but will await the final genetic test which should come in at the end of this week.

Also, we have begun scheduling more appointments in Madison. We have a fetal echocardiogram (to check Titus's heart) followed up by a consultation with the facial surgeon and feeding specialist on November 14th. Then on November 24th, we will have the growth ultrasound and neonatologist appointments. These appointments should be able to give us a better idea of what needs Titus will have immediately after surgery and in the months after that.

As always, we covet your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, October 6, 2008

FISH Results Are In!

FISH (Fluorescence in situ hybridization) testing is performed when a specific structural abnormality or chromosomal disorder is suspected by a doctor. The FISH test was performed on baby Titus to confirm or rule out three of the likely genetic disorders associated Titus’s birth “per-fect” (intentionally not labeled as a “de-fect”, because Titus will be formed perfectly according to God’s will).

It is with great joy that we received the phone call today that confirmed Titus does not have any of the three disorders being tested for (Down ’s syndrome, Trisomy 13, or Trisomy 18). Thank you to all of you who were praying! While the more extensive results of the amniocentesis will not be in until next week, the professionals we worked with feel that the other chromosomal disorders, while still possibilities, are much less likely.

We praise God for his mercy and would ask you to continue to lift up baby Titus in your prayers. We will let you know what we find out next week. In the mean time we are setting up a consult with a UW surgeon who deals frequently with cleft palate and is highly regarded by her colleagues.

We continue to marvel at how God’s grace sustains us in these periods of waiting on Him. Isaiah 40:31 Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Ultrasound Picture of Titus

We are posting the 3D rendering image of little baby Titus. These are not always the easiest images to make out but you can see the tip of his nose is below where it should be (it is the ball that appears to be attached to the upper lip), and his upper lip is kind of an island in the middle. You can also easily visualize the cleft line coming down the right side of his nose (it kind of looks like a nostril). You can also see his left arm and hand which is covering his left eye. Though the hand may look awkward, it is normal, as are all of his limbs heart and other organs (at least at this point). Titus will likely have the widest smile of any baby you have ever seen!

Seeing Baby Titus For The First Time

We are so blessed to have a God who loves us! On Tuesday, September 30, 2008 we had our first ultrasound of this pregnancy while the baby was at 20 weeks gestation. The ultrasound showed a possible cleft palate and so we were referred to a specialist from UW Madison, at Meriter Hospital, who confirmed that Titus had a complete, bilateral cleft lip and palate. The following link gives a good description of the disorder as well as a timeline of surgeries that he will likely undergo.

“What exactly is cleft lip/palate?” I will try to describe it as simply as possible (and probably not totally accurately). When the baby is being formed inside the womb the cheeks bones (and ultimately the palate) grow forward towards midline and the nose grows down. They are naturally supposed to meet in the mouth at the center of the palate and on the face at the cleft (this is what causes the natural indentation between the upper lip and nose). In Titus’s case, both cheek bones stopped forming well before midline and the nose kept growing down, looking for its attachment. Therefore, Titus has no solid portion of the roof of his mouth, the tip of his nose is deformed, and he will have no upper front teeth. Based on the ultrasound, there is also some concern that his chin and jaw are underdeveloped.

It has been difficult to find pictures of “bilateral complete” cleft lip/palate so many of the images you can find on the internet are likely not as severe as Titus will be however we will post some examples to give you an idea of what the disorder is like. The following look shows a good example of what a bilateral cleft L&P can be like. This final link is actually a bilateral complete cleft palate (Thanks Monica!) but does not appear to have near the nose and chin deformities that Titus may have. At this point we are praying for, but not totally expecting, this good of results.

Bilateral cleft palate is obiously more severe than unilateral, but it also comes with a 1 in 20 risk of having a chromosomal disorder. We are currently awaiting the results to see if there is one. They will be completed in the next 1-2 weeks.

Please keep us and Titus in your prayers. We are certian that God will get so much glory from Titus's life. The passage we are holding on to is Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. We remember that God's ways are higher, and never lower, than our ways.